Do you like rain?

Finally, I've just started to think about a piano concert for my students after crazy swelter in Japanese summer!! Now, there are quite a lot of rainy days in Tokyo, but I'm totally happy! and I rather think that some of English people who complain about lovely rain are incomprehensible, sometimes, a bit . . actually, rain in England is much nicer than in Japan. I can say with loud voice. (Please don't object to me, all in London!) By the way, I've had an occasion of rain with one of teenaged students in music school in Oxon. When I said that English rain is more preferable than Japanese one, she objected thoughout! 'Even if it started raining, it would stop in ten mins. here(England). Not influence on our plans so much, is it?' I say. 'But, we are not sure how we can do. To be unclear is not so nice.' She says. 'But, we are hopeless if it's rainy when we wake up in the morning.' I say. 'But, you can plan . . you can stop the plan to go out.' She says. 'But, you never need to change your plan.' It's vicious circle!! What do you think?!